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Samvel Babayan: We have best players in Uzbek football history Янгиликлар

Samvel Babayan: We have best players in Uzbek football history

Uzbekistan and Yemen national teams` head coaches told opinions in the pre match press conference at Pakhtakor stadium.

Samvel Babayan: - We are ready for match against Yemen which will be hold tomorrow at Pakhtakor stadium tomorrow. We are preparing and working seriously in trainings. We know enough information on opponent. There is no any easy team in Asia now. We learnt Yemen from previous games in qualifying round.
I think there are best quality of team and players in Uzbek national football team history now. We can gain our target. We want to show good football against Yemen.

Amin Hossein Al Sunaini: - Our league stopped 5 months ago because of war. Some players could not come due to various reasons. We try to have good preparation for this game. Uzbekistan is one of the best teams in Asia. We will try to give battle tomorrow.
Flights stopped also in our country. We played with Oman in Oman and it took us 30 hours to go to Oman in bus. We have big difficulties. We want to play for proud of Yemen, for our country in matches.


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