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Uzbekistan took 1+2 slot for AFC Champions League 2014 Янгиликлар

Uzbekistan took 1+2 slot for AFC Champions League 2014

The AFC Executive Committee on Tuesday stamped its approval on the home-and-away final of the AFC Champions League for the next three years and also approved the slot allocation for 2014.
As per the criteria governing the distribution of spots for the premier club competition of the continent, Japan, Korea Republic, Iran and Saudi Arabia will receive four direct slots in the group phase of the competition.
The committee also gave its go-head to play the AFC Champions League on a zonal basis until the semi-finals for the next three years.

Uzbekistan took three slots for the AFC champions league. That means Bunyodkor will start in group stage while runner-up Lokomotiv and 3rd place Nasaf will begin their participation in play-off stage.


Japan – 4
Korea Republic – 4
China - 3+1
Australia - 2+1
Thailand - 1+2
Singapore - 0+1
Hong Kong - 0+1
Vietnam - 0+1
Iran - 4
Saudi Arabia - 4
UAE - 3+1
Qatar - 2+2
Uzbekistan - 1+2
India - 0+1 (India to play in East Zone)
Jordan - 0+1
Oman - 0+1
Bahrain - 0+1
Iraq - 0+1
Kuwait - 0+1

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