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Numon Khasanov: We missed victory because of our mistakes Янгиликлар

Numon Khasanov: We missed victory because of our mistakes

Теглар :  PakhtakorNumon Khasanov
Head coaches commented match in the post match press conference in the ACL between Pakhtakor and Al Hilal.
Numon Khasanov (head coach of Pakhtakor): - We played against very strong team. My team had confidence in the second half, but we made serious mistakes and conceded goals. Attacking players of Hilal are high level players. They used little mistake even we made.

Players who came from bench help us to change game. When you conceded first you should try to equalize it and run more than opponent. If we used chances in the first half match could finish with another result. We played for victory. I hope we can win in Saudi Arabia.

Giorgos Donis (head coach of Al Hilal): - We played first match in the group stage. I think both teams showed equal game. Pakhtakor had good chances in the first half, we played better in the second half. We missed good chance after scoring first goal. Both teams deserved a point.

My players made mistakes in the last minutes. We began match like Pakhtakor, it was balanced game. But we created enough chances in the second half.
I don`t blame one player if we lose or missed points. Football is a team game. We should be careful before the next matches.

I don`t think now about 2nd match with Pakhtakor. We have a game against Ittihad on Saturday in our championship. After that game preparation will begin for Pakhtakor.

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