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Lushchan hopes to get first win Янгиликлар

Lushchan hopes to get first win

Bunyodkor and Zobahan head coaches attended to the pre match press conference.
Sergey Lushchan (Bunyodkor head coach): - I expect good football tomorrow. Zobahan is a very discipline team. I studied opponent, so I know they have very little weak sides. We are going to progress now. Game will be decided everything. I trust to my players. Hope, we can win tomorrow against Zobahan.

We lost last 4 ACl matches at home with the result 0-1. Sometimes you score 3 goals, but couldn`t win game. Sometimes we concede a goal and lose the match. It is football, anything can happen in it.

Zobahan players always give 100 percent in the field, they will battle till the end. I think they will play on counterattacks.

Yahyo Gomuhammadi (Zobahan head coach): - Tomorrow`s game will be on of the difficult in the group for us. We will play against very strong team. We should play with high concentrate for victory. Team won`t mistakes in the defense. We try to control ball in the attack and use our chances. We respect Bunyodkor, they deserved it. Opponent need 3 points and they will try to show best game.

Two things are very important in football. First - to play discipline defense, second - to score when you have a chance. We try to use counterattacks tomorrow. Bunyodkor have 3 good level attacking players. Our aim is not to give them show good football.

Even one goal is enough for victory in football. We scored 1 goal and collected 4 points.


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