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David Moyes says he has stepped up to another level at Manchester United Янгиликлар

David Moyes says he has stepped up to another level at Manchester United

David Moyes admits to having found it 'difficult at times' after stepping up to 'another level' at Manchester United.

"I can't deny Manchester United are on another level. Let's be honest, it would be a step up from just about any club in the world."

Moyes' first task as United boss is to try and land the first piece of silverware of the English season, with the Red Devils set to face FA Cup winners Wigan Athletic in the Community Shield at Wembley on Sunday.

On the pursuit of major honours, Moyes added: "Of course I will be trying to make the Community Shield the first trophy of many, but if we win it's really something that will have been earned by Sir Alex. It's because of his good work in the Premier League last season that we're in the Community Shield.

"I will do my best to finish off the job, but it's Sir Alex who will deserve a lot of the credit if we're successful at Wembley. I cannot wait to get the season started.

"I know it won't always be easy, but I just hope we can all work together. My goal is to be successful and have a winning team. I hope that over the years we can have plenty of success." 


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