Сўнгги янгиликлар

00:49"Интер" Депайга таклиф юборди  3 00:22Дуглас Коста "Флуминенсе"ни тарк этди  2 23:45Куртуа — жирафа, Рюдигер — псих, Менди — генерал. "Реал Мадрид" футболчилари бир-бирларини қандай чақиришади?  4 23:28"Барселона" Фликни бош мураббий сифатида таништирди  12 23:01Ўзбекистонлик ўсмирлар Японияни тор-мор этди  8 22:44Париж-2024. Ўзбекистон ОТЖ легионери терма жамоа ихтиёрини вақтинчалик тарк этди  17 22:22Ўртоқлик ўйини. Бразилиялик футболчини кўрикдан ўтказаётган "Динамо" "Бунёдкор"ни мағлуб этди  6 22:05"Ювентус" ўз футболчисини "Борнмут"га 18 миллион еврога сотади  1 21:48"Реал" Кепа эвазига Лунинни "Челси"га қўйиб юборишга тайёр  2 21:31Гвардиола "Реал Мадрид" футболчилари "Олтин тўп"га фаворит эканлигини айтди  20 21:14Франциянинг 6 карра чемпиони профессионал клуб мақомидан маҳрум қилинди  5 20:57УEФА Евро-2024 ўйинларида мухлисларни ирқчилик ва камситувчи хатти-ҳаракатлари учун етти давлатни жаримага тортди  3 20:30Назорат учрашуви. Ўзбекистон U-21 терма жамоаси Суперлига клубига ютқазди  2 20:13Париж-2024. Рақиб футбол жамоаси машғулот майдонига дрон учирган мамлакат ходимлари турнирдан четлатилди  0 19:55Азмун БАА клубига ўтади  13

"The Mourinho era is done and dusted" Янгиликлар

"The Mourinho era is done and dusted"

Real Madrid's vice-captain, Sergio Ramos, stated that "the Mourinho era is done and dusted," that he will take "the good" and look optimistically at the present because the entire squad is "thrilled with how Carlo Ancelotti works and how approachable he is."
"Last season did not overshadow the successes of previous seasons. I prefer to take the positive, the good, I don't hold grudges. I'll take what I learnt during a period that is now done and dusted. Football goes on; we have to continue progressing, improving and remain ambitious in order to continue winning titles. This is now a new era, with a new coach, new signings and all of them are thrilled at the prospect of achieving great things," he said.

"Every coach is different, has a playing system, a philosophy, an order, habits. We’re going through that transitional phase and I can assure you that the whole team is pleased with how he works and his approachability. Hopefully, we can go on a great run and win some silverware," he said.

The Madrid vice-captain emphasised that it is important to have "a stable coaching set-up", something initiated with Mourinho. He now hopes to have this as part of a project in which he highlighted the signing of Spanish players. "We've put together a group of young Spanish players and that is great. Signing national talent is always important," he emphasised.

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