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Barça unhappy with Kuala Lumpur flight Новости

Barça unhappy with Kuala Lumpur flight

The HiFly’s crew received an order to change its flight plan due to an unexpected event, which meant having to travel a few kilometres further, but the plane was not carrying enough fuel and had to wait quite a while to fill up.

The day did not start well for the Barcelona expedition, which left Bangkok yesterday en-route to Kuala Lumpur, the last stop on its Asian tour. An early start to avoid the gruelling traffic in the Thai capital was then made worse by an hour and a half wait inside the aeroplane due to a lack of foresight on the part of the airline.

The HiFly’s crew received an order to change its flight plan due to an unexpected event, which meant having to travel a few kilometres further, but the plane was not carrying enough fuel and had to wait quite a while to fill up. The players could not understand that the airline would fly with such stringent fuel reserves, something more in-line with a no-frills airline. This caused a delay to all the events that the club had scheduled for yesterday, including its training session, which was then played behind closed doors.

There was a lot of talk amongst the expedition members during the flight about news surrounding David Luiz’s possible move to the club. Alarm bells were set off upon their arrival in Kuala Lumpur due to a rumour circulating that he had already signed, although the club quickly moved to deny this. The only thing that is sure is that a deal has been struck with the player and that Chelsea has an offer of €20m plus €5m in add-ons on the table. 

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