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Samvel Babayan: We will try to show best game Янгиликлар

Samvel Babayan: We will try to show best game

Samvel Babayan and Thomas Dooley answered questions of journalists in the pre match press conference before the game between Philippines and Uzbekistan.

Samvel BABAYAN: - Our team is on the 3rd position in group, I can tell that we are in such situation that each match is the most important for us.

We have a huge potential, but we still should improve the game. We were prepared well for a match with Philippines. Of course we respect opponent, they collected 6 points in the first 2 games. The national team of Philippines  very interesting and organized team as a part of which there are many good players. We arrived in Manila with an optimistical spirit. We want to play the best match and to achieve good result.

We flied from Uzbekistan to Philippines almost whole day, but it shouldn't affect our game. We have a plan of preparation and if we follow it, everything has to be normal.

I could mark out the captain Phil Younghusband from Philippines.

It is very important for me disciplined team. Any coach would be happy to have such players as Server Djeparov and Alexander Geynrikh.

Thomas DOOLEY: - Its very important for us to win this match. We have a great team. Everybody is working for everybody. We have a game plan, we have skilled players, we have a better plan, hopefully.

Overall, Uzbekistan is a very strong team, the best team in the group. Opponent is more strong than us and they will play with pressure. Because of Uzbekistan need to win the match. Well have our chances but each player should play 100 percent from the first minute to the last.

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