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Interview. Omar Momani about Balotelli, Uzbekistan and the others Новости

Interview. Omar Momani about Balotelli, Uzbekistan and the others

Famous cartoonist Omar Momani's exclusive interview for web site championat asia.

1) Why are you drew always Balotelly with pig? This is interesting for the most fans...

Balotelli has a real pig in his house as a pet, he calls him Super, and I saw it will be a nice combination to make the pig his partner in cartoons.

2) What do you know about Uzbekistan?

I know that Uzbekistan location in central Asia and it was part of the Soviet Union. The capital city is Tashkent.

3) What do you know about uzbek football?

I know that the national team is a tough one in Asia. They never qualified to the World Cup, but they always cause troubles to other teams.
And they have a good record in the Asian Cup in the recent years.
I know also Vitaliy Denisov who plays in Russia.

4) Why you don't drew about Asian Champions League, certainly the football of Asia?

My task with to focus on the major European leagues. But am aiming to spread the attention to other continents.

5) What is your favourite team?

AC Milan

6) Nowadays you became the most famous caricaturist. In this instance the plays the main role. Imagine that you're Messi and who you can say your main opposite, i.e Ronaldo?

Goal helped me a lot in spreading my cartoons to the world. I don't see myself in cartoons TBH as Messi of football. I like many football cartoonists like Riccardo Mazzoli, Rudi Gundersen, Marco Sias, 442oons and many others

7) Do you watch out the games of Jordan team? If you watched out, did you see them to fight against Uzbekistan?

I watch Jordan big games. And yes I did watch them when they played with Uzbekistan.

8) And your wishes for uzbek football fans...

It is time for the national team to win the Asian Cup or to qualify to the World Cup. Good luck from my heart.

Thank you!

Interview in uzbek language

Interview in russian language

Aziz Tukhtamuradov


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