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User Agreement

This Agreement (hereinafter - the «Agreement») defines the terms & conditions of using internet-portal (hereinafter - the «Portal»), available at By using the portal, the user agrees to comply with all the conditions described in the Agreement. The Agreement may be modified without any prior notification. The new version of the Agreement takes effect on the date of its posting on the Portal.

1. Subject of the Agreement

1.1. The can register on the portal free of charge. For successful registration the user is required to input the correct data, especially a valid e-mail address.

1.2. When registering, the user can select a desired User Name (provided that it is not occupied by another user) and a password. The user agrees to keep his password confidential and not to provide it to the third parties.

1.3. The Agreement will go into force after completing the registration form on the Portal that is the time a user clicks on the «Register» button below the form.

1.4. The use of the Portal is free.

2. The content of the Portal and access to it

2.1. is a sports portal that publishes the football news of the world, as well as photos of them, videos and football statistics.

2.2. Pages of the Portal may contain advertising banners. The Portal administration is to decide whether there is a banner on a specific page, and to what extent it will be displayed.

3. The rights and obligations of users

3.1. Each user is required to strictly comply with their rights and obligations. Users are not permitted to post on the pages of the Portal information that contains calls for the breach of the current law, ethnic or religious hatred, racist remarks, deliberately false statement, insulting, vulgar and obscene information. Users must consider the fact that the portal is available to persons of different age groups.

3.2. By posting information on the Portal page, the user ensures that it does not violate the law and is not owned by third parties. Thus, the user is solely responsible and takes over all claims for uploading of such information, their behavior, as well as on the possible recovery of the costs associated with the proceedings.

3.3. Any actions by the user on violation of the Portal or impede its use are prohibited. Any of these actions result in severe civil and criminal sanctions. The prohibited actions in particular, are actions that affect the physical and logical structure of the Portal, as well as the processes of automatically data capture, copy and transfer, including the use of various mechanical, software tools and scripts.

3.4. Registration on the Portal of third parties without their knowledge and consent is prohibited.

4. User posts

4.1. The user can post messages on the site in the form of comments to the news without breaking the paragraphs 3.1 and 3.2 of this Agreement.

5. The sanctions applied to users

5.1. The administration of the Portal reserves the right to delete without notice the data that violate the terms of the Agreement, as well as to apply to users the following sanctions:

  • • first violation – member blocked for 1 week;
  • • second violation - member blocked for 1 week;
  • • third offense - member blocked for Lifetime.

Blocked user can log on (authorize), but can not post comments on the site.

6. Term and Termination

6.1. The agreement is valid until one of the parties - the user or the administration of the Portal - makes a decision on its dissolution.

6.2. User may terminate this Agreement at will by sending a letter containing the decision of termination, to the Customer Support via the contact form available on the Portal.

6.3. Administration of the Portal has the right to terminate the Agreement unilaterally in case of repeated violation of the Terms of Agreement.

7. Final Provisions

7.1. The administration of the Portal has the right to change the content and structure of the Portal at any time.

7.2. The administration of the Portal has the right to change the terms of this Agreement at any time.

7.3. This Agreement is available on the Internet at the following addresses:

As of June 2015
