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Hannover reveal extent of Stoke's interest in Mame Biram Diouf Last Updated: August 8, 2013 6:36pm News

Hannover reveal extent of Stoke's interest in Mame Biram Diouf Last Updated: August 8, 2013 6:36pm

Hannover are expecting to hear back from Stoke after preliminary discussions over a possible deal for Mame Biram Diouf.

Hannover general manager Dirk Dufner has confirmed Potters officials visited the HDI-Arena for talks on the situation of former Manchester United striker Diouf.

The 25-year-old Senegal international is under contract with the Bundesliga club until June 2014 and emerged as a potential transfer target for Stoke earlier this summer.

German tabloid BILD reported that Stoke representatives Tony Scholes and Mark Cartwright visited Hannover to meet Diouf's agent, Norway-based Jim Solbakken, before checking in with officials of the Bundesliga club.

Now Dufner has confirmed those reports, saying: "They (Stoke) wanted to come over and have a personal chat. This is what we have done, they were welcome."

However, Dufner insists no deal for Diouf has yet been struck.

"We have not reached an agreement," said Dufner. "As far as I am concerned, Stoke feel we will automatically agree to a transfer at some point, as the contract expiry date is just 12 months off. But we do not plan to do so.

"I feel they will now consult, and then we will see whether we receive a written offer or not. We would think about that if Stoke agree to what we have told them."

BILD claim Hannover have put a price tag of 8million euros (£6.9million) on the head of Diouf. 


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