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Asia Against Racism Янгиликлар

Asia Against Racism

AFC President Shaikh Salman bin Ebrahim Al Khalifa has expressed his support for FIFA’s anti-racism initiative and vowed that the Asian football family will be united in its efforts in promoting the beautiful game for all regardless of ‘politics, religion or colour'.

“Football brings people together by transcending the boundaries of politics, religion  and  colour,  especially  in  a  diverse continent like Asia, and promotes  societal  and  community  values.  

“It is a game that lays special emphasis on respect for each other; on and off the field of play.”

Shaikh Salman continued by praising FIFA’s work in countering the menace of discrimination and vowed that the AFC and the Member Associations throughout the continent will lend their full support in helping stamp out any and all forms of racism.

“AFC welcomes FIFA’s recent initiatives, including the forming of the FIFA Task Force Against Racism and Discrimination, and commits itself to working together with the governing body of world football.

“AFC is duty-bound by its Statutes to protect football from racist elements and it is our firm endeavour to work closely with our Member Associations to achieve this.”



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