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2014 WCQ play off stage. Uzbekistan – Jordan pre-match press conference Янгиликлар

2014 WCQ play off stage. Uzbekistan – Jordan pre-match press conference

Uzbekistan national team has a home match against Jordan team on tomorrow.
This is second play-off match for qualification to the world cup 2014 in Brazil. As you know in Amman first match ended 1-1. Today in Pakhtakor stadium held pre match press conference.

Hossam Hassan, Jordan national team head coach: - We are happy to be here for the most important match for Jordan national team. Both teams will play to win tomorrow. If we play such how we played in the second half in Jordan we can beat Uzbekistan.

Our opponent is well organized team. Uzbekistan had good chance to go to Brazil directly from qualifying stage. They have good dribble and technical players.

We know that Jordan lost all games in the last group stage. But I can`t say anything about it. Because I was not head coach in the previous away matches. We have strategy for future. And I decide who will start or substitute during the game. We will try fo score goal as soon as posible fast. Our aim is to continue way for the World Cup.

Mirdjalal Kasimov, Uzbekistan national team head coach: -  Jordan is a good team. We don`t play for 0-0 tomorrow. We want only win. Players are ready to do it. We want to give happiness for our fans.

We should begin match very active and aggressive. We try to score and make dangerous attempts. Jordan played in counterattacks in Amman.

We are working in trainings how to make goals from corner and free kicks. We couldn`t give any shot in such situations against Jordan in the first game.

I am pleased with the game of Zukhurov. I think Murod will start the match tomorrow if he has not any problems.

Egor Krimets is out for 3 weeks. He got an injury in the first match. He can play after a month.

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