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Shaikh Salman wishes luck to Jordan, Uzbekistan News

Shaikh Salman wishes luck to Jordan, Uzbekistan

AFC President Shaikh Salman bin Ebrahim Al Khalifa has extended his best wishes to both Jordan and Uzbekistan for their upcoming 2014 FIFA World Cup Asian qualifiers playoff hoping that either one of these teams will earn a fifth spot for Asia in the world’s showpiece football event.
“Both Jordan and Uzbekistan had their chances of getting an automatic berth to the FIFA World Cup until the last match day of the final round. Unfortunately, they had to be content with third spots in their respective groups,” he said.

“The players of both these teams displayed immense grit and determination throughout this campaign and I am confident that they are raring to give their best shot on September 6 and 10.

“I would like to wish both the teams the very best and hope that the winning team of this playoff will be able to overcome their CONMEBOL rivals in the intercontinental playoff for a slot in the FIFA World Cup,” he added.

“I would like to wish the teams the very best in their quest while reminding them about the importance of fair play and respect for opponents.”

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