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Football reach in Uzbekistan expanded through contribution News

Football reach in Uzbekistan expanded through contribution

Launched at the on-going AFC Futsal Championship Uzbekistan 2016 in Tashkent, the contribution is a result of the partnership between the AFC and One World Play Project which aims to enrich lives and enhance social development through football.

AFC President Shaikh Salman Bin Ebrahim Al Khalifa said: “As envisaged in our new Vision and Mission, the AFC is committed to ensuring that football uses its considerable reach to enrich lives. Through this contribution, we continue to demonstrate that the AFC is at the forefront of using football helping to improve the lives of children and communities across the continent.”

The One World Futbol is a breakthrough in ball technology - an ultra-durable football that never needs a pump and never goes flat, even when punctured. The ball is designed to withstand the harshest environments, will benefit the UFF’s grassroots activities, and leave a lasting impact on some of the country’s most rural and remote schools.

As part of the launch, the Uzbek national team players lent their support to the project by participating in a grassroots football clinic for aspiring footballers organised by the UFF.

Expressing his delight, Mirabror Usmanov, Uzbekistan Football Federation (UFF) President, said: “We would like to express our heartfelt appreciation to the AFC and OWPP for sharing the belief in using football as platform for social development. This generous contribution will strengthen not only our efforts in grassroots football, but enable us to reach thousands of young and aspiring footballers in Uzbekistan who may not have access to benefit from the beautiful game.

Prior to the launch, some 20 grassroots coaches and NGO representatives also participated in an “Education through Football for Grassroots Players” seminar which covered areas such character building, child psychology, gender equality, environment and health.

Through the unique and transformative power of play, One World Play Project is helping to ensure that the beautiful game continues to be accessible for children and youths of all backgrounds.


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