Сўнгги янгиликлар

07:24Ўзбекистон кубоги. 3-тур баҳслари давом эттирилади  0 07:10Футзал бўйича Осиё Кубоги. Ўзбекистон - Эрон 3:3 (пенальтилар 4:5)  0 07:05U-23 Осиё кубоги. Ироқ - Вьетнам 1:0  0 01:57Ла Лига. Арда Гюлер "Реал"га ғалаба тақдим қилди!  59 01:40Меҳди Тареми Италия чемпиони сафига қўшилади! (Фабрицио Романо)  2 01:24Арда Гюлер ажойиб натижа қайд этмоқда  0 01:12"Арне Слот – "Ливерпул"нинг янги бош мураббийи!" – Фабрицио Романо  10 00:55Жасур Жалолиддинов: "Бу жамоа билан анча олдин бошланган ўзаро ҳисоб-китобимиз бор эди"  10 00:45U-23 Осиё кубоги. Ироқ минимал ҳисобда Вьетнамни енгди ва ярим финалга йўл олди. Кейинги рақиб – Япония  21 00:40U-23 Осиё кубоги. Ўзбекистон - Саудия Арабистони 2:0  6 00:25Хосе Венансио Лопес Эронга қарши учрашувдан кейин қандай фикрлар билдирди?  8 23:46"Персеполис" Ўрунов гол урган ўйинда пенальтилар сериясида мағлубиятга учраб, Эрон кубогини тарк этди  5 23:20Саудия чемпионати. "Ал Ҳилол" - "Ал Фатех" 3:1   1 23:15Футзал бўйича Осиё Кубоги. Таиланд - Тожикистон 3:3 (пенальтилар 6:5)  0 23:10Футзал бўйича Осиё Кубоги. Вьетнам - Қирғиз Республикаси 2:3  1

Kasimov: We Will Bounce Back In Second Leg Match Янгиликлар

Kasimov: We Will Bounce Back In Second Leg Match

“It was an interesting game. My team has played a decent game despite the harsh weather conditions. Unfortunately the score is against the run of play. If we could use our chances, I would be commenting quite a different score now,” said head coach of Bunyodkor Mirjalol Kasimov.
“However, the score is not scary. We will make necessary decisions and prepare for the second leg match. We will do a come back in Tahskent.”
- Bunyodkor was playing confident and interesting game in previous matches. What is the reason for the fail?
“The weather gave us hard time. Not all of our players could recover after a long trip. It took us more than 24 hours to reach Buriram.”
- This is the first loss of Bunyodkor in this year’s tournament. And you have been beaten by Buriram United. How do you comment it?

“The Game doesn’t forgive mistakes. We couldn’t play accurately in certain situations and lost the control. We warned players of the dangerous dead balls by Buriram. Unfortunately Thais managed to score from the free kick.” – explained Kasimov.

