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Berdiev admitts Nasaf`s target only victory Новости

Berdiev admitts Nasaf`s target only victory

Теги :  NasafRuzikul Berdiev
Ruzikul Berdiev and Cristian Gross told comments on upcoming match between Nasaf and Al Ahli.
Ruzikul Berdiev (head coach of Nasaf): - I congratulate all with beginning of new football season at home stadium. Our opponent is a very strong team. First game shows we can beat them. This is why we are preparing very well for match and want to win. Players field with great motivation for victory.

Abdurakhimov come back to squad tomorrow. We have various players to replace Boydullaev in the midfield. I can choose Ganiev, Abdurakhimov and Maqsud Karimov. Rakhmatov is ready to play also. He missed first game because of necessary documents.

Quvvatov and Suyunov are good class goalkeepers. Both of them are fit to play.

You should have 2-3 plans for every match in season. We have no long bench and I have to give chance to young players in this situation. We don`t  scare to field youngsters. We try to enhance our game with bench players also.

Cristian Gross (head coach of Al Ahli): - We played very tough and difficult game against Nasaf at home. We know that one more tough game will expect us. We try to reach our target - to win and get positive result.

Nasaf have same football philosophy like last season. They play team game and try to show modern football. Coach is very clever and excellent. Left back players and midfielder can play tomorrow. I think Nasaf will be better with these players.

We have good babalnced squad. I decided to stay Omat Somah and Giannis Fetfatsidis in Jeddah because of many matches in our calendar. There will be most important games in championship. I think Somah need to be in good form for upcoming games. I hope another players can replace well them.
Nasaf is a goog team. We beat them with difficulties. They will give bests tomorrow at home.

AFC Champions League is very important tournament. Anyway we don`t forget Saudi Arabian championship also. You should play well and show football quality of your team and country inthe international matches.


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