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17:56Баҳром Вафоев номидаги стадион прожекторлари талаб даражасига етди  1 17:32"Сурхон" собиқ устози "Нефтчи"да иш бошлади  3 17:15Ўзбекистонлик назоратчи Ироқ – Индонезия баҳсида фаолият юритади  1 16:49Ана холос! Испания УEФА ва ФИФА шафелигидаги мусобақалардан четлаштирилиши мумкин  5 16:30U-23 Осиё Кубоги. Ўзбекистон финалда Японияга қарши тўлиқ оқ либосда ўйнайди  8 16:10Модрич афсонавий Ференц Пушкаш рекордини янгилади  3 15:40 "Бунёдкор" академияси тарбияланувчилари Хорватияга боради   0 15:20Ихтиёр Ропиев: "Осиё кубогидаги энг яхши ўйинимиз Эрон билан бўлди"  1 14:59U-23 Осиё Кубоги финалини эронлик ҳакам бошқаради  1 14:33"Челси" "Манчестер Сити" юлдузига кўз тикди  1 14:07Рауль Германиядан таклиф олди  0 13:40"Ўлдирса ҳам ош ўлдирсин". Доҳада Ўзбекистон U-23 терма жамоаси аъзоларига ош берилди  24 13:15Жасур Абдураимов: "Олимпиадага чиққанимиз ортидан рақибларнинг бизга нисбатан ҳурмати ошади"  9 12:45Германия терма жамоаси аъзоси "Бавария"да ўйнамоқчи  0 12:21U-23 Осиё кубоги. Яна бир легионеримиз клуб ихтиёрига жўнаб кетмоқда  37

Inter success is imminent, says Mazzarri News

Inter success is imminent, says Mazzarri

Inter boss Walter Mazzarri believes that, despite some setbacks, his side are "looking good" ahead of the start of the new Serie A season and well on their way to becoming a top team once again.

Although admitting that his side's recent 2-0 loss to Chelsea was disappointing, the 51-year-old coach remained adamant that a sense of positivity is present in the dressing room and hailed the work ethic of his troops.

"I had a meeting with the lads earlier to show them that apart from some of the mistakes we made and must try not to repeat, we did good things and played good football against a top-notch side," Mazzarri told his club's official website..

"Analysing things calmly I can say that having coached this team for a very short period I've already seen things that go way beyond even the best hopes I had."


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