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12:37Давлат Турдиалиев таваллудига 62 йил тўлди   1 12:04"Челси" скаутлари "Милан дерби"сини стадиондан кузатишган  0 11:38Футзал бўйича Осиё кубоги. Ўзбекистон - Вьетнам 2:1  0 11:15ФАКТ. Ўзбекистон футзал терма жамоаси кетма-кет бешинчи Осиё кубогида ярим финалга чиқди  7 10:54Аллегри «Ювентус»да қолса, туринликлар етакчиси ёзда жамоани тарк этади  3 10:25«Барселона» вице-президенти Хавининг келажаги борасида расмий баёнот берди  12 10:06Хосе Венансио Лопес: «Эрон билан ўйинга тайёргарлик кўрмадик»  10 09:47Фалакнинг гардиши (Бекзод Толибов блоги)  6 09:22«Челси» Почеттинонинг ўрнига бош мураббий топди  5 08:57«Атлетик» афсонаси Икер Муниаин ёзда жамоадан кетишини маълум қилди  5 08:34Фернандо Торрес қайси жамоани бошқариши маълум  5 08:10«Барселона» «Манчестер Сити» етакчиларидан бирини 50 миллион еврога сотиб олиши мумкин  6 07:44Клопп кечаги мағлубиятдан сўнг чемпионлик имкониятлари ҳақида гапирди  14 07:20Лига 1. "Монако" - "Лилль" 1:0  1 07:15Лига 1. "Лорьян" - ПСЖ 1:4  1

Christian Gross: "At the game against "Nasaf" we will fight for victory" News

Christian Gross: "At the game against "Nasaf" we will fight for victory"

Inspite of being tired after arriving head coach of the team "Al-Ahli" Christian Gross expressed own opinion about the game for the site "".
What do you think about tomorrows game?
We had fight 1/8 stage. The hold season already for us its very important that every game counts. So we are here really to finish the group stage in a good way.
We hope to win tomorrow.

We know that you already qualified for the next round is there any losts on your team?
We have few injured players on the playing Basas is suspended Basas 47 is not playing he is suspanded. And Motas defender is not playing Osama defender is not playing.

We know that you are late today and its gonna  change your plans and do something for the tomorrows game?
I'm so sorry I want to train in the stadium and also to get an impression of the stadium  of the pitch which is normal but we could not its shame. But we need to arrive in a good time to have a feeling for this pitch and stadium and there will be also good atmosphere.

Thank you very much.

Shakhboz Begamov, Ziyoda Kurbanova.

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