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Dilshod Nuraliev: “We tried our best” News

Dilshod Nuraliev: “We tried our best”

Uzbekistan U-17 national team head coach Dilshod Nuraliev told to reporters participation of team in FIFA U-17 World Cup UAE.
As you know Uzbekistan qualified from the group stage but lost to Honduras with a result 0-1 in 1/16 round.

“We did try our best”, said team coach Nuraliev. “Of course I‘m not happy with the final result but my players showed what they can do. We had a very good preparation for the world cup. And we believed that we could go to the next stage. But in the match against Honduras we remained only 10 men in 25th minute. And that changed our plans seriously. We learned all the teams in our group and it helped us”.

“When you play in World Cup you always try not to lose. But it‘s almost impossible. It‘s very difficult to win every match. Our players showed their best qualities. We can play even better and I hope this tournament will help players to grow up”.

With head coach Dilshod Nuraliev also two players Jamshid Boltaboev and Ibrohim Abdullaev said that it was a great experience for them. “This was the first time to play such tournament. So my impressions and feelings are very good. I can‘t describe it with two or three words. If we beat Honduras in 1/16 final round then we had a chance to play with Sweden on next stage”.

Midfielder Jamshid Boltaboev, who took two yellow cards in group stage and missed the game against Honduras told that team played a good match. “In our championship and First League yon don‘t see high speed matches such we played against Morocco, Croatia and Honduras. I‘m very upset because I couldn‘t help my teammates in the match against Honduras. But other players played a good match. We could go further but unexpectedly lost to Honduras”.
